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Managed data analytics platform

HomeManaged data analytics platform

Data Optimized for Action in the Food Industry

Many companies have scattered, inconsistent data across systems, leading to inaccuracies. With FFA Titan, our managed data analytics platform for the food industry, you can collect, connect, and visualize your data with ease. It helps eliminate inefficiencies, cut costs, and increase margins—empowering you to make informed, data-driven decisions.

How ffa titan works

FFA Titan is a fully automated and scalable platform utilizing the rock-solid foundation of Microsoft Azure. It integrates with various applications such as PLC-, MES-, and ERP-system and many more relevant for the food industry. it works with 3 simple stages.



FFA Titan collects and structures raw data from your food industry systems, making it ready for action.



FFA Titan connects your data to create clear, actionable information for better decision-making.



FFA Titan visualizes your data, helping you eliminate inefficiencies and drive growth.

FFA Titan uses open standards, it’s equipped for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, applications. It can easily extract data from external data sources, such as weather, exchange rates, livestock process, and terminals.

FFA Titan integrates with the most important food industry applications:

Exact Online
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
RBK group
Microsoft Business Central
AFAS Software
Pantheon automatisering
PATCH production
Dynamics 365
Reflex systems
Foodware 365

Customer experience

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  • “Food For Analytics demonstrate a clear passion and skillset when it comes to data. whether its architectural design, strategic support or building a sustainable Data Analytics infrastructure platform, there guidance, support and execution on such projects is excellent. Striving for recognition and opportunity in this data analytical world, they continue to build upon their product portfolio with a desire to fulfil the end customer needs, an enabler of key insights to support business decisions."

    Stewart Henderson

    Group IT Manager @ Goodlife Foods

View case

FFA Titan connects out-of-the-box to the following technologies and much more

Object store technologies

Azure Data Lake Service Gen 2 / blob storage
Amazon Web Services S3
Google Cloud Storage
Hadoop File System (HDFS)

Database technologies

Azure Synapse / Azure SQL
Microsoft SQL Server

Streaming technologies

Azure Eventhub
Apache Kafka

Time series / historian technologies

Azure Time Serie Insights


FFA Titan is built on proven mainstream technology and specifically designed to scale to your needs, both in terms of storage and computing. Our platform is flexible and agile, allowing us to start small and scale quickly to accommodate any data volume with ease.

With our ability to add new data sources quickly, we make sure that your business can derive value from your data fast.

Our focus on scalability, flexibility, and performance makes FFA Titan the ideal platform for businesses looking to get maximum value out of their data.

FFA Titan

Unlock the Power of Your Data

Let’s connect and explore how we can make data work for you!
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