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Instant insights as a service

HomeInstant insights as a service

From Information Overload to Instant Insights

Struggling with data overload? In just one week, we’ll help you simplify everything, turning scattered information into clear insights. Our team handles the heavy lifting, so by week’s end, you’ll have a streamlined data approach that frees up your time and drives your company’s success


Starting at


Unlock your data with Insights Standard and improve your processes.

Get data from your ERP and other systems in a single managed and integrated place.

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Feature Highlights:

Instant valuable & actionable insights
One information product*
Microsoft 365 integration
Business support
1-10 users**


Starting at


Use time-intelligence features and identify patterns in your data to get your competitive edge.

Integrate your insights within your organization and connect your favorite tool.

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Everything in standard, plus:

Time-intelligence out-of-the-box
Customizable dashboards
Connect your favourite tool
Company branding
10-30 users**


Use Instant Insights’ anomaly detection to ensure your master-data is correct at all times.

Unlock true self-service by utilizing  SQL, Python and API’s on your data with FFA Titan.

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Everything in Professional, plus:

Self-service analytics /w SQL and python
Role Based Access (RBAC)
Anomaly detection
API connectivity
30+ users**
* 1 information product per subscription. Each additional information product will add 49 EUR p/m to your monthly subscription
** monthly cost per additional users

With instant insights you get:

Instant insights

instant insights

Get instant actionable insights from your data, enabling informed decision-making.  Whether it's resolving issues or identifying opportunities, you have instant access to crucial information.
Time intelligence

Time intelligence

Utilize advanced analytics to track trends over time, predict future outcomes, and uncover patterns and anticipate. This enables you to adapt quickly and act to an ever changing and dynamic market


Instant Insights, powered by FFA Titan, is ISO27001-certified. This ensures your data  is protected through advanced security protocols and encryption in an air-tight cloud environment.
Dit is een faketekst. Alles wat hier staat is slechts om een indruk te geven van het grafische effect van tekst op deze plek. Wat u hier leest is een voorbeeldtekst. Deze wordt later  vervangen door de uiteindelijke tekst, die nu nog niet bekend is.

Feature set


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Contact us


Contact us
Number of users
Standard Key Performance Indicators
Time intelligence out-of-the-box
Customizable dashboards
Company branding
Anomaly detection
Notifications & alerting
Slack- and/or -teams-bot
Self-service analytics /w SQL and Python
Connect your favourite tool
API Connectivity
Response time to tickets
Microsoft 365 integration
Role Based Access (RBAC)

* during business hours

Frequently Asked Questions

FFA Titan integrates with mainstream software that is being used in the food industry for MES, ERP, FINANCE, and other disciplines. Next to that it has out-of-the-box connectivity to the major storage-, database- streaming, and historian-technologies. For more information check out our managed data analytics platform.

FFA Titan is security-by-design, hosted in a private virtual network on Microsoft Azure. It’s isolated from the public internet, accessible only via secure VPN or express route. Data is fully encrypted and stays within the private network. We are ISO27001 certified. See our privacy statement for details.

Yes. off course there is. You can start out with the standardized information products. But if you find yourself in a position where you would benefit from having additional insights or functionality there is always the possibility to extend the standardized information product to your needs. For more information check out our Consultancy page.

For instant insights, we need your help setting up a secure connection to access your data from MES, ERP, and other systems within your network. Here’s how it works:

  1. Setup Overview: We configure the 'On-Premises Data Gateway' on a separate server in your network to securely link with our ISO 27001-certified FFA Titan.
  2. After Subscription: Once subscribed, you'll receive an email with a PowerShell script for setup.
  3. PowerShell Script: This script guides the installation of the 'Microsoft On-Premises Data Gateway' on your virtual machine, connecting your network to FFA Titan.

Virtual Machine Requirements:

  • 8-core CPU, 8 GB memory
  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) or later
  • SSD storage and .NET Framework 4.8

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